Upcoming Events
Here you can find events hosted by the American Fisheries Society at ESF as well as other events occurring in the ESF/SU community that may be of interest to participants.
ALL SPRING EVENTS AT ESF HAVE BEEN CANCELLED. Please accept our apologies, and look for us to be back in the fall. If for some reason we're back on campus after spring break, activities will likely resume and you'll see them here. Thank you for your patience, fish friends! Stay safe.
Past Events
NY AFS Annual Meeting
February 5-7, 2020, Lake Placid, NY
Despite a heavy storm, the NY AFS meeting was another great one. Four undergrads, six grads, Dr. Limburg, Dr. Farrell, and more alumni than you could count! More than 300 attendees, and more than $3000 raised at the raffle.
Despite a heavy storm, the NY AFS meeting was another great one. Four undergrads, six grads, Dr. Limburg, Dr. Farrell, and more alumni than you could count! More than 300 attendees, and more than $3000 raised at the raffle.
Support AFS and childhood literacy and get a sweet little boat while you're at it!
Kayak Raffle tickets are $5 for one, and $10 for three. 50% of ticket proceeds will go to purchase STEAM-themed books for the Dr. King Elementary School. The other 50% will go toward sending students to the NY AFS annual meeting in February.
Kayak Raffle tickets are $5 for one, and $10 for three. 50% of ticket proceeds will go to purchase STEAM-themed books for the Dr. King Elementary School. The other 50% will go toward sending students to the NY AFS annual meeting in February.
- Please aim to sell 4 tickets. MORE IS GOOD!
- Return stubs and $ to Eden at meetings
- Get more tickets
- Repeat until 12/3 (Drawing will be held at the end of the weekly meeting.)
Movie Night with AFS!
Wednesday, 11/20
SHORT FILM: A Living River
"Despite its polluted reputation, the Hudson River is teeming with life. From the tiny Glass Eels to the massive 14 foot long Atlantic Sturgeon, a vital web of life defies decades of oppression. Organizations like Riverkeeper and New York's Department of Environmental Conservation use lessons learned from its past as a bustling commercial fishery to its present as a ecosystem in recovery in order to protect its future." --Hudson River Stories
FEATURE FILM: A Dolphin Tale (2011)
"A story centered on the friendship between a boy and a dolphin whose tail was lost in a crab trap."
When Resiliences Collide! Dam Removal Seminar
Thursday, November 21. 2019 11-12:20
In this talk, Dr. Andrea Feldpausch-Parker will discuss her recent research in small scale dam removal public workshops in New York State’s Hudson and Mohawk Watersheds. The goal of these workshops are to help communities think through local dam removals using systems thinking and mediated modeling, while also thinking toward climate change resilience. In addition to fisheries recovery, many of these workshops highlighted the importance of historical sights, recreational opportunities, flood control and emerging technologies such as micro hydropower. Such highlights touch upon opportunities and challenges of managing the state’s hydrologic systems.
In this talk, Dr. Andrea Feldpausch-Parker will discuss her recent research in small scale dam removal public workshops in New York State’s Hudson and Mohawk Watersheds. The goal of these workshops are to help communities think through local dam removals using systems thinking and mediated modeling, while also thinking toward climate change resilience. In addition to fisheries recovery, many of these workshops highlighted the importance of historical sights, recreational opportunities, flood control and emerging technologies such as micro hydropower. Such highlights touch upon opportunities and challenges of managing the state’s hydrologic systems.
Tour of USGS Lake Ontario Biological Station (Oswego)
Thursday, 11/14
We traveled the snowy roads to the port of Oswego, where we were greeted warmly (with donuts!) by the entire staff of the USGS Lake Ontario Biological Station. We watched a short presentation about the research and history of the station, then were able to go back and meet everyone (and bond over the multiple ESF connections!) and see their lab, and then their boat! These ESF-ers are all ready to sign up for duty.
We traveled the snowy roads to the port of Oswego, where we were greeted warmly (with donuts!) by the entire staff of the USGS Lake Ontario Biological Station. We watched a short presentation about the research and history of the station, then were able to go back and meet everyone (and bond over the multiple ESF connections!) and see their lab, and then their boat! These ESF-ers are all ready to sign up for duty.
Data Management Seminar
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Dr. John Stella showed us the wonders of keeping our data safe, accessible, and relatable in databases. A small group, but so, so useful to learn! Format your data, everybody!
Dr. John Stella showed us the wonders of keeping our data safe, accessible, and relatable in databases. A small group, but so, so useful to learn! Format your data, everybody!
Practical Electrofishing
Saturday, 10/19
Michaela and Joe and nearly a dozen others ventured out into the wilderness of Ninemile Creek to electrofish. Didn't lose anybody AND caught some nice little fish!
Michaela and Joe and nearly a dozen others ventured out into the wilderness of Ninemile Creek to electrofish. Didn't lose anybody AND caught some nice little fish!
Movie Night with AFS
Thursday, October 17
SHOWED: Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys (2014) 1 hr 27 min
"After chomping through the fish population, thousands of starved lampreys begin attacking the citizens of a sleepy lake town, and the community scrambles to stay alive. "
Fishing with Electricity!
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Dr. John Farrell taught a small but enthusiastic group the basis behind electrofishing. Great to know the "how"s and "why"s of everyone's favorite fishery technique. There's a lot of math in there.
Dr. John Farrell taught a small but enthusiastic group the basis behind electrofishing. Great to know the "how"s and "why"s of everyone's favorite fishery technique. There's a lot of math in there.
ESF Day of Service
Saturday, October 5, 2019, 9:30am-2pm Meadowbrook Pond in Barry Park
Fifteen students spent the morning picking up trash around the pond. Fifteen!
Fifteen students spent the morning picking up trash around the pond. Fifteen!
Carpenters Brook Fish Hatchery Sportsmans Days
Saturday, September 28 and Sunday, September 29.
Have to check, but pretty sure a handful of students went to help with the fishing program and the canoes.
Have to check, but pretty sure a handful of students went to help with the fishing program and the canoes.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019, 4-6:30 in 408 Baker
We mixed. We mingled. We played a game involving index cards stuck to our backs. There was pizza aplenty, and we all learned something about the program and had some fun.
We mixed. We mingled. We played a game involving index cards stuck to our backs. There was pizza aplenty, and we all learned something about the program and had some fun.
Shoreline Cleanup
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Students and guests met at the Onondaga Lake Lounge and walked along the 2.6-mile Onondaga Creekwalk with trash bags in hand. Thanks to Greg Capozzi (EFB 2020) for running this event!
Students and guests met at the Onondaga Lake Lounge and walked along the 2.6-mile Onondaga Creekwalk with trash bags in hand. Thanks to Greg Capozzi (EFB 2020) for running this event!
Global Climate Strike
Friday September 20, 11:30am at Forman Park (717 E Genesee)
Students, faculty, and staff met at the SU quad to walk to Forman Park for the Syracuse contribution to the Global Climate Strike. Hundreds of people participated, and we can only hope that we continue to be this motivated and active and that it translates to the same from our legislators.
Students, faculty, and staff met at the SU quad to walk to Forman Park for the Syracuse contribution to the Global Climate Strike. Hundreds of people participated, and we can only hope that we continue to be this motivated and active and that it translates to the same from our legislators.
Movie Night
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 6pm
SHOWED: DamNation (2014) 1 hr 27 min
"This powerful film odyssey across America explores the sea change in our national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our own future is bound to the life and health of our rivers. Dam removal has moved beyond the fictional Monkey Wrench Gang to go mainstream. Where obsolete dams come down, rivers bound back to life, giving salmon and other wild fish the right of return to primeval spawning grounds, after decades without access. DamNation's majestic cinematography and unexpected discoveries move through rivers and landscapes altered by dams, but also through a metamorphosis in values, from conquest of the natural world to knowing ourselves as part of nature."
--DamNation Team
--DamNation Team
ESF Farmers Market
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 11-2
We had a table on the quad, along with a good dozen others. We had fish-themed treats to sell (the Swedish fish brownies were particularly popular,)fun fish hats for the inevitable terrible winter, and even managed some email sign-ups!
We had a table on the quad, along with a good dozen others. We had fish-themed treats to sell (the Swedish fish brownies were particularly popular,)fun fish hats for the inevitable terrible winter, and even managed some email sign-ups!
ESF Activities Fair
On Thursday, August 29, 2019, we recruited like it was our job during the ESF Activities Fair on the quad. We met, spoke with, and signed up for emails basically everyone on campus. Ok, so maybe we only signed up about 35 people, but that's a lot!
Beginner's R Workshop
Saturday, April 13, 2019
We welcomed Dr. Tom Evans (EFB 2017) and Dr. Dan Stich (SUNY Oneonta) for an afternoon of coding and crying. About 25 people with a wide variety of experience with R (not just beginners after all!) spent the afternoon learning the basics of this incredibly useful programming language for data analysis, statistical applications, and graphics.
We welcomed Dr. Tom Evans (EFB 2017) and Dr. Dan Stich (SUNY Oneonta) for an afternoon of coding and crying. About 25 people with a wide variety of experience with R (not just beginners after all!) spent the afternoon learning the basics of this incredibly useful programming language for data analysis, statistical applications, and graphics.
Aquaday 2016!
On Sunday, September 11, 2016 we held our big Aquaday event. The weather was beautiful for some fun by the water!
The day began with a student field trip to Butternut Creek where a group of 20 students donned waders and practiced sampling techniques. This trip was led by AFS Chapter President Erik Hazelton (MS Student) and Vice-President Ryan Shaw (NRM Junior). Next the students traveled to Willow Bay at Onondaga Lake Park to see what was caught in the minnow traps set-up overnight. A variety of species were captured and identified and can be seen in the slide show picture of the tank. All species identified were added to the display board shown in the group picture. Students then enjoyed a BBQ lunch and helped with tabling set up by Chapter Treasurer Carolyn Chang (PhD Candidate) and Jess Goretzke (MS Student). At the tabling displays students interacted with the local community and distributed resources about sustainable seafood choices and AFS. The ESF F.O.R.C.E.S. also had a display set-up. Following lunch, students went to see what was caught in the trap net set overnight and found a variety of species. The public community joined in the fun and checked out all the cool aquatic species discovered at Willow Bay.
The day began with a student field trip to Butternut Creek where a group of 20 students donned waders and practiced sampling techniques. This trip was led by AFS Chapter President Erik Hazelton (MS Student) and Vice-President Ryan Shaw (NRM Junior). Next the students traveled to Willow Bay at Onondaga Lake Park to see what was caught in the minnow traps set-up overnight. A variety of species were captured and identified and can be seen in the slide show picture of the tank. All species identified were added to the display board shown in the group picture. Students then enjoyed a BBQ lunch and helped with tabling set up by Chapter Treasurer Carolyn Chang (PhD Candidate) and Jess Goretzke (MS Student). At the tabling displays students interacted with the local community and distributed resources about sustainable seafood choices and AFS. The ESF F.O.R.C.E.S. also had a display set-up. Following lunch, students went to see what was caught in the trap net set overnight and found a variety of species. The public community joined in the fun and checked out all the cool aquatic species discovered at Willow Bay.